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California Air Resources Board - CARB

Fleet owners doing business in California face unique regulatory challenges on all of their on-highway vehicles and off-road equipment. ARB is forcing early retirement, retrofit, repower or replacement of fleet owner assets in an attempt to significantly reduce pollution in California. Although these regulations have good intentions, they do not take into consideration the negative financial impact on fleet owners.

Emissions Guru Inc. not only understands all of the CARB mobile regulations that may affect you, but can interpret these requirements from a business perspective. We have spent over 15 years working through compliance issues for fleet owners in California. We understand engine and retrofit strategies in place and have the ability to "connect the dots" from compliance to the bottom line.

Our goal is to be an advocate for you, the fleet owner, in developing implementation strategies that not only allow you to comply, but survive and thrive. This includes identifying all of the viable options and presenting them in a quantifiable format. Whether its identifying incentive funding, potential exemptions, regulatory reporting, creating a fleet buying plan or developing a logistics strategy for assets coming in and out of California, our number one priority is finding solutions that reduce your financial liability, avoid fines and reduce the risk of downtime.

Below is a sample of some of our clients:

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